Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New branding for SharptonCreative

This was a difficult decision... to rebrand myself. With all the cool ideas I had rattling around in my head, narrowing it down to this one was tough, but I'm excited about it. Its bold and strong, and can be used in a number of applications. It works well in black and white and can be used for embroidery and screen printing. These are the things I think about when creating a new brand for anyone. I ask them what all the applications will be before I begin the design process. This way there are no surprises in the end. Talk to me about a new brand development, or just a brand refresh. You'll be amazed at how just cleaning up your current logo can make you look better.

and... the main reason I'm posting this here, even though it's right up top, is so I can use it as an icon on Facebook. (the tricks you have to use!)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Business cards

I can knock out business cards practically overnight. Here are two examples of recent business cards for clients that needed them right away.  I can also have them printed on nice heavy cover stock and laminated either gloss or matte. Printing for 1,000 cards will run you about $30. If it's a simple design like these, I can design them for $75. Both of these companies needed a slight brand refresh that gave them a nice new image.

Let me know if you need an upgrade on your business cards!

Scrap files....

Every now and then, a client picks one of three designs submitted that isn't my favorite. I always keep the rejected designs in my "scrap file" for future reference. Here are two examples... 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Falcon Discoveries, LLC

Simple, clean and effective corporate logo for a business here in the valley. They liked the logo I did for Eagle View Estates, so I came up with something similar but different enough to not be confused. This is something I offer anyone looking for a new logo. As long as it's a different industry or line of work, we can "borrow" a design element and put it with different text to give the client exactly what he's looking for. Talk to me about a brand development,  brand enhancement or a brand refresh of your current logo. Afterall, Pepsi hasn't been using the same logo all these years, so you shouldn't either.

Promo brochure for the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)

This is a brochure I put together for some friends working in the CIS. It lays out a few opportunities to help the less privileged in these creative access countries through the Church of the Nazarene.

Olympic Gold Medalist in Poland

I had the privilege of helping out Caroline with a little promotional brochure to help her get accepted by Poland to compete in the next Olympics. Her and her husband currently live in New York City and are part of the infamous LeFrak family.